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Buying Water

Sustainable and cost-effective water procurement practices

Businesses need to secure a reliable and cost-effective source of water to meet their operational needs while ensuring strict regulatory requirements. UPA Energy provides comprehensive water procurement services tailored to the specific needs of businesses and organisations.

One approach to buying water is through securing a retail supply contract with a licensed water supplier. This involves agreeing with a retail water provider who then supplies water directly to the consumer. This can provide flexibility in terms of pricing, billing, and service options.

In some instances, you may be able to become a self-supplier of water, through the development of water supply infrastructure, such as boreholes or wells. While requiring significant upfront investment this approach can give you greater control over water sourcing and usage, reducing reliance on external water suppliers. In the long term, it can potentially lower costs significantly.

When buying water, organisations need to consider a range of factors, such as availability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. A thorough assessment of water needs, sourcing options, and regulatory requirements is essential to make informed decisions. You should also consider any opportunities for water conservation, efficiency improvements, and sustainable water management practices to reduce water consumption and environmental impact.

From securing retail supply contracts to exploring self-supply options, our team of experts provides strategic guidance and support throughout the water procurement process. We use our industry expertise and networks to enable you to optimise your water procurement strategies, reduce costs, and ensure reliable access to the water resources you need.

By partnering with UPA Energy, navigating the complexities of water procurement becomes easier. This allows you to focus on your core business while ensuring sustainable and cost-effective water management practices.

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Our Water Services


Comprehensive water procurement services from industry experts

UPA Energy provides comprehensive water procurement advice and support tailored to the specific needs of businesses and organisations.

Contact our expert team to find out more.

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